Monday, February 8

Al Gore Would Be So Proud!!

How many of you recycle?? I’m not talking about the bin at work that you are required to put scrap paper in, or the shoe box that you use to store photos in…
I wanna know where your milk jugs and cereal boxes are going.

Let me pose this question: Is it possible to be a Christian without caring about the earth?

And is it possible to say, “Yes. I care about the earth” and mean it when you can’t even make time to separate your plastic from the rest of your trash?!!
I have never been concerned about the environment. In fact I used to regularly throw things out the window of the school bus. My mom taught me littering was wrong, so to appease her, I would simultaneously yell to the hillside, “Hey could you throw that away for me???” as the coke bottle or whatever else went bouncing down the highway.

Then when I got a little older I started noticing cigarette butts on the road. It thoroughly grossed me out. I also noticed coke bottles and other garbage littered up and down the roads. I was starting to evolve……

Then I started doing mission work in Haiti. It was there that I finally realized why we should be concerned about the environment. The garbage in Haiti is piled in the streets. The smell would…like my grandpa would say… “knock a fly off the poo poo wagon”. I started to realize, “hey this could happen in America just like it has happened here.
I still didn’t do anything about it until my wife declared, “no more throwing away plastic. We are going to recycle!” I said, “Cool! How much money do you get??” (The answer by the way….is none.)
Someone much smarter than me once said, “We have not inherited the earth from our grandparents, but have borrowed it from our grandchildren.”

I’m not talking about standing front-and-center at a global warming rally… much of that is utterly ridiculous…. But what I am talking about is being very real and very practical and very respectful.
Usually if you even mention “helping the earth” to people they automatically assume you’re a tree huggin, Gore groupie who voted for John Kerry, drives a Toyota Prius, hates conservatism, and boycotts deodorant and anything that runs on any energy other than solar winds

I don’t know where you stand on this issue. You may not see the importance since we all know that the earth is going to be destroyed eventually anyway… but look at it like this:

We preserve and honor the pictures and crafts that our children make with their hands, yet mistreat and disrespect the creation that our Lord spoke into being.

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Every little bit helps. I may not be a card holding member of green peace nor do I sort my garbage but I do try and make sure it hits the can. Then my freindly trash man Roger does the rest. But I have always been an outdoorsman and my father taught me at an early age to leave it as good or better than I found it.

