Thursday, January 28

The "G" Card

Okay Here is the Scenario:

I was dating an older girl named Jennifer. We had been going out for a few months and then things started to get weird. Not “this girl is a psychopathic maniac” weird, more like, “This girl is definitely hanging out with my friend Mike more than me” weird!!!

Anyway, a few weeks later we had all but said to one another, “You are the worst thing that has ever happened to me since The Young Riders went off the air.” When she comes up to me and throws the G-card.

Yes the G-card.

It went something like this, “Josh we need to talk. I have been praying a lot and God told me that we need to break up.”

My response, “Um, like right now??….cause we are at prom and I need a ride home.”

It kills me when someone plays the “G” card!!

This move is where to win an argument you throw the God-card. You say, “Yeah, well that’s what God told me.” That’s a hard one to argue with. What can I say when you say that? “No he didn’t. I know God and he does not want you moving your family to Miami.” It’s a really dangerous move to make in the context of a marriage, too because it stops the conversation and forces your spouse to either give up their point or willingly choose to be on the opposite side of God.

It’s also one of those phrases we Christians use to punctuate or amplify our sentences. For instance, my friend Matt had a guy at his church proclaim in front of the entire congregation that God had told him in a dream that he and his wife were having a baby boy. Why did he do it? So that what he was saying would seem big and holy. It’s like italicizing and bolding your words. But a few months later they had a girl. Which is why you have to be really, really, really careful with the God-card

If someone plays the G-card and it's something they really, completely don't want to do ("God told me to admit to the IRS I've been cheating on my taxes." or "God told me to move to Haiti but I hate hot weather, can't stand rice, and don't feel comfortable taking baths in the river." or "God told me I had to forgive you even though nursing this grudge feels sooo good!"), I believe them.

When someone plays the G-card about something that benefits them, or about something they really want to do, or about something that makes them look really good... Um...not so much.

I’m not saying it will never happen to you. God could easily tell you something very specific about a whole host of things…..but if He does, be very careful how you broadcast it. And whatever you do…do not use it in a way that will make Him regret talking to you to begin with!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree That this is an area we should use great caution
