Thursday, March 25

Learning Lessons from Little Lunch Ladies

I happen to work at a local Middle School. Love my Job! but sometimes, like the majority of humans, i get a little frustrated
Okay so was going through the salad bar line today for lunch. i usually don't eat here because its middle school cafeteria food. but today i figured, "It's salad. no one can screw with that too much." so i approached with my compartmentalized tray in hand.
…there were two rather large signs. One read “Choice of two meats” the other "Two meats only!!"

I thought to my self, "hmm. Be careful with the meat choices, Joshie. These people mean business."

So I look and notice only one meat—ham. No problem I like ham. Ham is delicious. All is well.

I also put some cheddar cheese and some eggs and some onion and broccoli and imitation bacon bits.(yummy…I know)
It's important to note:

I am the first one in the line and actually the lunch lady is still putting stuff out.
So I say to her, “I notice the sign said two meat choices and that you were still putting things out. Is there another meat choice that you will be putting out instead of just ham?" She looks at me and says smugly, “there are five meat choices out here already. The eggs the ham the shredded cheese, the cottage cheese, and the imitation bacon bits!!

Okay wait one cotton picking---( please see blog related to Christian cursing) minute!!!
Was she even for real????? I look around to see if I’m getting punked. Ashton Kutcher is no where to be found. This lady is offended that I only thought there was one meat in her line!
Are we officially eliminating the dairy food group??? Sure I understand that cheese comes from milk, which comes from cows.. (Or any number of other mammals.) And I can even see where one could make the argument that an egg is a meat because if you fertilized it, and then sat on it for 28 days in the right conditions it would eventually become a chicken which is, in fact, a meat.
I just immediately pictured a nervous 6th grader cramming for his first big FCS test on the major food groups and receiving the devastating news from our narcissistic lunch lady that cottage cheese is now a meat.
And for the record- If cottage cheese is a meat…. Wouldn’t plain milk be a meat as well? If that is the case…I owe our lunch ladies some more money because I apparently consumed way too much meat today.

Diced meat

Shredded meat

Cottage meat

Imitation bits of meat
Then I washed it all down with a carton of skim meat!

I think for the sake of learning correct information…we should make them at least change the sign to say “two meat, or animal related choices.”
Spiritual applications:

Long suffering
Praying for others

I still haven’t fully figured out which category the imitation bacon bits go into.
Have great day!!!!


  1. I got a good chuckle out of this post...but seriously, that second spiritual salad bar? I could sure stand going back for seconds!! I'm also reminded of the biblical references to desiring the "meat" of the word and not just the "milk" don't feel bad Josh...even God would have gotten reprimanded by the little lunch lady!!!

  2. Jennifer DavenportOctober 29, 2010 11:03 AM

    I guess we have to look at the new food pyramid to see what protein really is to see what goes under meat categories. I guess we are all feed way to much meat. I think spirtually I need far more meat than milk, cheese or any other substance. No wonder these kids are so confused! That is just too funny!
