Friday, February 5

A Thought On Marriage

You're getting a short one today. If you could see what my classroom looked like you would know why!!


I’m married, and if you are too, then statistically speaking, one of us is going to get a divorce.

I’m not writing that to be sensational, but I just want to be clear that it’s a big deal. And I don’t know if we Christians do a very good job of treating it as such.

Look at it this way: if one out of every two neighbors on your street got mauled by a bear, would you be more careful about bears? Would you buy books on how to keep your house safe from bears? Would you carry a gun and bear spray if there were, in fact, such a thing as bear spray? Probably. Yet, when it comes to divorce, we don’t do many equivalent things.

Valentines day is coming….that would be a great time to Bear proof the house a little. How have you Bear proofed in the past??  Leave a comment. We all want to know!!!


  1. I bear proof my house daily. Bear visited my woods once 15 years ago don't want him coming back again so I have to run the trap line daily. But I wasn't the hunter then that I am now (or Christian) I know how big a deal it is now. And I have found that bear proofing daily is the answer. But it is good to double bait the traps now and then. Especially Valentine's Day.


  2. I love it! =o) Divorce is all around us & it is so hard to see people going through it. I tend to think it only happens to others instead of protecting my marriage & praying for my husband everyday & being sure his needs are met. I need to put myself in check with what God desires from me to be my husband's wife.
